Feasibility Studies
Evaluating required conditions to host a new business.

Here is a map we developed to help our clients envision issues in distribution, imports, and exports, whether by truck, train, or ocean liner.
We can help you validate the core premises of your project in Mexico. We have performed studies that reveal that either the time or the project is not prone to succeed in Mexico as described to us. In such cases, the core reason is that updated data facts prevail over intentions, opinions, preconceived notions, and perceptions. Our clients then decide to modify, cancel or continue as intended.
When statistical data is unavailable or unreliable, we travel to the zones at stake and perform surveys, interview local peers in the same industry, organize focus group sessions, analyze political traits, and meet confidentially with local government staff that may lead to untapped incentives.
Even if we state upfront that the business as outlined does not seem to be viable in Mexico, we are asked to provide facts and solid reasons in a written report requested by the board or the CEO of the company. Sample of failed cases in question: kitchen items made of bamboo, door-to-door selling of decorative glass items, stuffed Teddy bears, wireless earphones, gearboxes under 100 USD, gift cards, reclaimed carbon black from scrapped tires, used books in college bookstores, Christmas ornaments, hardwood furniture.
A global finance institution asked us to report the viability of a water-intensive operation in one Mexican state. Our report ruled out the initial proposed location but offered an alternate option where now the borrower has been successfully working since the year 2000.
Finding a location with good availability of skilled labor and high turnover avoidance is critical for some projects. We could assist here if we know the strategy, the technology, and the long view of the project.