Our Clients
Large corporations have resources that they deploy to address most issues in Mexico. As temporary “members” of your staff, your company can count on us to address those same issues; our veteran consultants can act for you with full knowledge of local business conditions. All of our team members have been directly involved in “landing” businesses in Mexico; you benefit from those previous successes.

- Japan
- China
- Mexico
- India
- France
- Germany
- UK
Clients with corporate annual sales over 1000 million USD

- Arthur Andersen
- Bank of Tokyo
- Bridgestone
- Delphi
- Ford
- Hill-Rom
- Johnson Electric
- Johnson & Johnson
- Lutron
- Mary Kay
- PriceWatwerhouse
- Total
- Tyco
- Vilene
- Vtech

- Alfa
- Cemex
- GE
- GlaxoSmithKline
- H-E-B
- Putzmeister
- Vitro

- Kolbenschmidt
- Oswald
- Oxi Clean
- Pampered Chef
- Probursa
- Sumitomo

- Brooks Automation
- Fastenal
- Invensys
- Quebecor
- Sasken
Medium size clients

- Avid Products
- Axcess
- Axxion
- Beckart
- Bel Fuse
- Dynamic Gunver
- Everly
- Follett
- Gleitlager
- Graybar
- Hallmark
- Hegele
- Hoogovens
- Hussey Copper
- Ice Industries
- Interlake
- Irrimax
- Jost
- Kasco
- Lincoln Plating
- Lindsay
- Loranger
- Madison Kipp
- Monahan
- Oswal
- Plastiquimica
- Princess House
- Redall
- Roche Internacional
- Siebe Controls
- Taigene
- Tool Tank
- Trek
- Valley Baptist
- Xylem

- Avery Dennison
- Bradford
- Carlisle
- Electronic Fasteners
- EMS Solutions
- Equimeter
- Erisco
- Helix Technology
- Intercovamex
- Kenney
- Lyle
- Mantaline
- Miche
- Microplastic
- Nypro
- OrgPlus
- RB&W
- Signal Transformers
- Spraylat
- Superior Fibers
- Vacuum Instruments

- Autoneum
- Christiana
- East West Associates
- Jafra
- Kalos
- MG Products
- MMK Consulting
- Oradel
- Trafocomp

- Avante
- Carvajal
- CPL Pharmaceuticals
- GSWiring
- Keihin
- Viam
- Vitech